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The Last Day

My installation at the Mills College Art Museum, The Last Day, consists of three large ceramic sculptures and a video installation projected on a window. The Last Day seeks to navigate the endless labyrinth of covid-19 and the infinite winter of 2021.

 What Was, What Is, and What Will Be are large-scale sculptures modeled after the clay insulators which carry electrical wire on telephone poles. These insulators act as future artifacts of Covid-19 and are decorated with imagery and writing from my journal through quarantine. Buried in a grid under the earth, they will be uncovered by the civilization that follows ours.

OneyearOneyeardriftingOneyardriftinginadream is a video installation projected onto a suspended window. It features a timelapse of the sun setting through Venetian blinds. Other insulators occasionally dance across the screen while a layered, robotic voice reads fragmented poetry.

Lapse I and Lapse II are acrylic paintings of shadows cast across two vinyl window shades at sunset.

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